The rules and regulations for hunting, shooting, discharging a firearm and use of bow and arrows must be adhered to in our community.

Ignoring these rules and regulations are unlawful. You must be at minimum 400m away from a residence/dwelling and at minimum 800m from a school zone.

If you feel that these rules are not being followed please call Department of Natural Resources; their phone number is 1-800-670-4357.



FEEDING WILDLIFE WITHOUT INTENT TO HARVESTwildlife do not require food supplied by humans; it is their natural instinct to look for food. Feeding wildlife can be a health risk to you and your family as well as the rest of the community.
Providing an abundant and consistent food source affects foraging patterns; wildlife will continue to go where there is an easy meal. In residential areas the animals natural fear or shyness of humans will decrease which in term could end up with the animal getting hurt or hurting someone else.

Please remember that these animals are wild and should not be domesticated.